12525 Views 07 Jan 2021
Hello everybody!
We are back again to make crafts that you can try at home.
Still using origami paper, aka colorful paper, this time we will make tulips.
Let’s immediately see how to make it!
First of all we prepare the following tools and materials, brothers and sisters!
When all the tools and materials are ready, we can start making tulips with the steps below.
You can take one sheet of origami paper and fold it on the diagonal side.
Then unfold it and fold it diagonally in the opposite direction.
After forming a triangle, siblings can fold the left and right ends into the center so that they become a rectangle.
After that, fold the top edge of the paper left and right so that it looks open. Try to balance the left and right.
At this step, the flowers are almost ready, you know!
You just need to fold the right and left parts of the flower a little, then apply glue so that the flowers stick to the paper.
Finally, all the kids need to do is attach the ice cream sticks as flower stalks and also add ornaments.
Are the tulips beautiful?
If you want to learn more about how to make other crafts, you can join the daily event which is held every day at the nearest kidzooona branch!
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