
Promotion / [KIDZOOONA] Birthday Surprise

[KIDZOOONA] Birthday Surprise

aeon-expires [KIDZOOONA] Birthday Surprise

  529 Views       01 Apr 2024 - 30 Apr 2024

Specially for children whose birthdays (aged 1 – 12 years) in APRIL will get a FREE gift of 1 DAY TO PLAY for 1 child and 1 companion at kidzooona *must come on their birthday. This promo is valid at ALL KIDZOOONA INDONESIA & KID’S BOX BRANCHES😍

Please read the following terms and conditions: ✨

Regular CustomerSpecial
1. You must show proof in the form of a Family Card/Birth Certificate/KIA/BPJS or other identity (can be a photo) showing your birthday to our cashier staff.
2. Purchase a companion ticket for IDR 30,000 – IDR 40.00 and pay an additional IDR. 10,000 .
3. You must follow kidzooona’s social media (Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok)
4. Kidzooona online point system registration is mandatory

Member Customer
1. Must show proof in the form of online Membership status (customer’s name shown on the member card) and KK/Birth Certificate/KIA/BPJS or other identification (can be a photo) showing birthday to our cashier staff.
2. pay additional Rp. 10,000 .
3. You must follow kidzooona’s social media (Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok)

Promo period: 01 – 31 April 2024

Come on, come on your little one’s birthday and prepare your personal data to immediately take part in this promo.

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